Saturday, May 26, 2018

The Northern Region

e past couple of days have been amazing. Dr. Wanye offered to send us up to the northern region of Ghana to sight see since the clinic we worked with didn't have any outreaches planned. We were able to be part of a real African safari in Mole National Park. Then we saw a crocodile reservoir and historical slave camp in Paga, a city in the northern most part of Ghana. It was such a treat to see this part of the country. Despite the long travel times, I really enjoyed seeing the differences in regional culture. In terms of religion, Christianity is the predominant religion in Kumasi while Islam is the predominant in Tamale.

The best part about the past couple of days was definitely just being able to see preserved African nature. As volunteers we spend most of our time in busy parts of cities. Over the past couple of days, we have spent most of our time in relatively quiet places. During the day, a co-volunteer and I were able to sit on top of the vehicle we were using. It was very calming and enlightening to hear the wind blowing through the trees. God is good. I am so grateful that I was able to appreciate his creations while in the northern region.

We were also able to learn about a historical slave camp that was used in the transportation of slaves in the mid 1700s. It's hard for me to imagine a time where people willingly stripped other people of their freedom for personal benefit. I'm glad we've progressed to a time where that sort of lifestyle is no longer prevalent or commonplace.

Anyway. That's all for this week. We've done a lot of travelling. This week we head back to Accra for more work. Can't wait!

We gave Dr. Wanye a BYU shirt! So grateful for his kindness towards the volunteers.

In the jungle...

...there are elephants...

...and crocodiles?

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